
The CrudController enables you to quickly create a controller with a complete CRUD workflow for your entities. Given you have an entity called ‘MyPackageDomainModelCompany’. Then you can simply create a CompanyController in your package that extends the CrudController like this:

namespace My\Package\Controller;

use Flowpack\Expose\Controller\CrudController;
use TYPO3\Flow\Annotations as Flow;

class CompanyController extends CrudController {
     * @var string
    protected $entity = '\My\Package\Domain\Model\Company';

That’s it, now you can go to /my.package/company/index to test the controller. You should see an empty listview and a button in the top right corner to create a new company. You don’t need to copy any templates, layouts or partials by default. Expose contains sensible default templates for list, new, edit, etc.

Change a template

If you want to change a template all you need to do is to copy the template that you want to use over to your CompanyController.

For example, if you want to change the edit template you need to copy the file Flowpack.Expose/Private/Resources/Templates/Crud/Edit.html to My.Package/Private/Resources/Templates/Company/Edit.html the view will automatically use your edit template instead of the default expose template.


Template Description
Templates/Crud/Index.html This template contains the list view for the specified entity
Templates/Crud/New.html Templates/Crud/Edit.html These templates contain a simple form which display a form field for each of the properties in the specified model.
Templates/Crud/Show.html You can use this template to create a page displays details about a specific Entity.


Template Description
Partials/Pagination.html This partial contains the limit and pagination that is display under the list view.
Partials/SortField.html This partial is used by the SortBehavior to wrap sortable properties with some useful markup
Partials/Search.html This partial is used to render the search form above the list view
Partials/Table/Actions.html This partial renders the local actions for each row in the list view
Partials/Table/Body.html This partial renders the rows itself in the list view
Partials/Table/Header.html This partial renders the header of the list view
Partials/Table/Layout.html This partial defines the general layout of the list view
Partials/Form/Wrap/Default.html This partial is used to wrap the rendered form control with label, validation errors, infotext, etc.
Partials/Form/Field/*.html These partials are used to render the different controls

Change existing Actions

since you inherit from the CrudController you can of course override any existing action to suit your needs. This might be useful to set some properties of the model before persisting it inside the createAction.

Add new Actions

Aside from altering existing actions you can create as many new actions as you like. If you want to include your new action at some location in the default expose templates you can use the Flowpack\Expose\Annotations\Action annotation.

namespace My\Package\Controller;

use Flowpack\Expose\Controller\CrudController;
use TYPO3\Flow\Annotations as Flow;
use Flowpack\Expose\Annotations as Expose;

class CompanyController extends CrudController {
     * @var string
    protected $entity = '\My\Package\Domain\Model\Company';

     * @Expose\Action(type="local", label="My Custom Action")
     * @param '\My\Package\Domain\Model\Company' $entity
     * @return void
    public function myCustomAction($entity) {
      // ...

The Flowpack\Expose\Annotations\Action annotation has 3 options that you can set:

Option Description
label Contains the label that will be used to render the action
type Contains the type of the action. This can be either global, local or batch. See the section below for details
class Contains a class that will be added to the action link tag for styling

Action types

There are 3 different types of actions that you can define to be used by Expose:


A global action is an action that can act without a specific entity. Expose includes the action new as a global action to create a new entity of the specified type. These will be displayed in the top right corner of the list view by default.


A local action is an action that receives a specific entity as argument and does something with that. Expose includes the actions edit, delete and show as local actions. These will be displayed by default inside each row of entities in the list view


A batch action is an action that receives an array of entities to perform actions on them. Expose includes the action deleteBatch by default. These will be display in a select box above the list view and will be executed for each marked row, when you click on the execute button right beside the select box.